Opkey Release – 5.62

New Features

The following new features have been implemented in this release of OpKey Web:

Business Process Designer

Now there is a Business Process Designer that contains Business Components as well as Business Process. There are two new views of the Business process, Swim Lanes and Process Builder. Users can create different lanes in the Swim Lanes view as per the flow scenarios & scripts. Users can create different flows for the supported application like SAP, Oracle EBS, Oracle Cloud, Salesforce, MS Dynamics, Kronos, Trackwise, etc. Users can drag and drop the desired application icon or click on the Plus (+) button, select the application from the dropdown, add a blank task & create the flow. There are few default task icons like “Login, Logout, User Supervisor, User Mobile, Desktop, Mainframe, Supply Chain, and CRM”. The default 10 icons will be reflected when the user hides the left panel.  Users will be able to use any of these icons to add a new task to the flow. Steps can also be added to the added blank task and select “Link Task” from the dropdown option. A Business Component and Service Repository can be added as a test step from the Node Associator. The user can right-click on the context menu and add/link a test step as well.

Test Management Capabilities inside OpKey

We are trying to create a management tool in similar terms with Jira, TFS, etc. The Impact portal has been merged with OpKey Surge and the UI has been slightly modified.


If the release gets planned, the complete requirement is created in the section. All the details will have to be filled in and priority will have to be defined. When the priority gets defined, the development team gets notified about the different sprints and they pick the one with the highest priority. Post that the user will create the “Test Cycles”.

Test Cycles

This is an entity similar to the “Test Suite”, where a user can add multiple Test Cases and execute. The flows which have been created in the Surge for testing can be added in the Test Cycle by Drag and Drop and then executed to verify it’s functionality. There is a button to run the execution. Simply on opening the “Local Execution Wizard”, the user will have to mention the complete details about the Tests.


The releases are also known as “Sprint Planning” which are prepared as per the requirement by clicking right on the selected folder. On viewing the panel, complete details will be visible such as “Modified By”“Created By”“Version”“Date” and “Status”. Currently, users have three plugins for the Impact Portal- SAP, Oracle Fusion, and Salesforce. The user will have to define which application will have to be tested.

SAP Fiori and SAP NetWeaver Recorder and Plugin

Now we have two new recorders, “SAP Fiori and SAP Netweaver”. We have created two new recorders for the “SAP Fiori” application which is a web-based application and “SAP NetWeaver” which is a desktop-based application. This will easily record your actions performed on the SAP Applications and create a Test Case and Functional Library. To use this the user will have to click on the Test Case>>Function Library and click on the Recorder. Currently, the plugin is implemented in the “Chrome Add On”.

For SAP Netweaver, we have the Smart Recorder implemented.

Impact Analysis

There are two options present in the Impact Analysis, one for “Manage Snapshot” and the other for “Impact Session”. First, the user will have to click on the “Manage Snapshot” and click on “Add Snapshot”, from the tab which will allow taking the snapshot. This basically gets changed from the part from where the data has either been changed or not been changed.  The environment setting that will be added, will show the list of the settings updated to be projected.


In SAP Impact Analysis user can capture the snapshot on the basis of “Request ID”. The user can show the data on the basis of Security Data and the “ABAP Graph View” for which the results are shown along with the dependency map. The Data is displayed for all the changes occurring in the “Change Analysis”. The “Count” and its “Details” are displayed in the “Test Impact” if the impacted “Functional Library” is impacting any “Business Process” or any “Test Case”.


For Salesforce the “Environment” settings remain the same such as “Add Team”“Add Environment”, however, the “Field” gets changed. On clicking the “Next” button, the “Add Snapshot” button becomes visible. For Salesforce containing modules and sub-modules, a list is being displayed.  On opening the tabs of “Accounts Details”, “Account Information”, “Address Details”, “Address Information” become visible. The information to be extracted can be done by dragging and dropping and adding. This will also provide information about the account owner.


Users will have to click on the Test Management >> Environment Settings to select the tab for Oracle and add “Team” and then “Environment”. Post which user will proceed to Oracle Configuration and click on “New” for the Snapshot. The user will have to proceed by selecting a module and then click on create. When the configuration is complete, the user can click on the Actions button. Further users can click on the view button to know how many set-ups are present in the configuration and the amount of data present in them. Currently, a limit of a thousand has been placed to view the data simultaneously. The data can be downloaded in the excel file by clicking on the “Export Button” on the top right.

OpKey Mobility Android Plugin

Major fixes in being performed on the Spy Mode which earlier was not the possible option.

Fixes in number picker Keyword Mobile_SetNumberPicker

New inner text property is added for hybrid applications which will make execution faster by helping to locate objects at a faster pace and perform the action.


Implementation of Visual Validation keyword

VisualValidation_SetConfiguration– This keyword helps set configuration whether the user wants to create a baseline or not. The user provides the URL of the server where the baseline is stored by providing a Baseline Name, Create a Baseline, and Full Page Screenshot as input argument.

VisualValidation_Checkpoint- This Keyword is used to compare two images, the baseline image, and the current image.

New Appium Specific Keyword to switch context.

Appium_SetContext- This keyword is used from switching between users’ view to native and vice-versa.

Appium_GetAllContext– It provides context present in the entire app.

Appium_GetCurrentContext- This is for fetching the current context of the page, whether it is native or of users.

Appium_OF_SelectDropdownby Text – This has been designed for Oracle App. The user provides a search text in which the user wants to click and a second text to select from the dropdown.


The dashboard constitutes of Four Tiles namely- “Business Process Designer, Continuous Testing, Impact Analysis, Risk Assessment”. On clicking in the particular tab user will be directed to that particular functionality. The tab placed below the main cards of the “Regression Test Executed” shows the status of whether to pass or fail when the execution is performed. It shows the status of the “Test Cycle” – to date how much test cycle has been executed and it’s status. The next tab is “Release Done Till Date” which notifies the date for the time period for which the release scheduled is achieved or not. It also lets the user know how many releases are on time or delayed.

The next tab of “Test Case and Component” reflects the total count of the Test Case or Business Component in the published state created by the user and its status of published mentions only the count of those components and test cases which is in the published state.

The release and test cycle shows the status of the release created and the number of test cycles called. If the test cycle is executed, it reflects the status of either pass or failed. Next comes the “Release Tab” which shows the number count of releases being created. Users can proceed to the next tab of “Release Update”.  This tab notifies about the update of two components – whether the Release created has started or is in progress. While creating tests, the user will have to select the application (SAP, Oracle Fusion, Salesforce) and the release type (platform update, patch update) and on selecting the same, its status is reflected in the main tab on the dashboard.

This contains three sub-components of “Effort Saved”, “Time Saved” and “OpKey Updates”.

New ALM Keywords

Two keywords of ALM has been implemented (a) UploadALMTestRunAttachment (b) Upload ALMRunStepStatus.

UploadALMTestRunAttachment is useful in uploading attachments at the run level. There are two arguments for this keyword, one is TestRunID and ExternalFilePath.

UpdateALMRunStepStatus helps in updating the status of the specific step for the run that is being created. It has three arguments, TestRunIdTestStepName, and Status.

ALM – External Tool Integration

Whenever we create an artifact either of Function Library, Test Case, or Business Component, two fields will be displayed in the details tab with the name of “Version and Id”.

The version tab will begin from 1 and a unique ID will be generated. The version will get changed in fixed states, of either taking a backup, backup restore and on other respective conditions.

How to update the version in ALM?

On clicking the tab of “External Tool Integration”, the user will have to go to QC/ALM settings>>Advance Setting. A new UI has been created with the name “Update Version” where the OpKey Field and ALM field are fixed. ALM test run field will be required in the ALM field tab by the user to proceed ahead. In the ALM test run, the field which needs an update of the version will have to be added to the field in the “Add ALM field” tab. After saving and proceeding with the execution, by default, the specific executed test case’s version in the ALM of that specified field will be updated.

Create Validation Report

This is the new keyword that allows in fetching of the Report. Whenever the user will prepare the validation report and execute the run, the report gets generated. The download directory path helps in fetching the saved report by default. For the output, it provides the path to fetch the created report. If someone wants to get the download at a specific place, it provides the option to do that. The report generated notifies the time and status whether of pass and fail, and it will be of only those keywords which are placed above the “Create Validation Report”.

Test Case

In this form, everything remains the same, but it is in a read-only view. The diagram will be shown as it is, and does not allow to change anything.

Folder Tree

Users can view Business Component, Business Process, Test Case, and Job Tree under one folder. Home is the main node. Users can create artifacts from there, export, and also sync them. The buttons on top perform the function of Adding, Refreshing, and Auto-Hiding the artifact of Business Component, Business Process, and Test Case. The rest two buttons are for Syncing and Exporting.

There is one folder and there is one direct artifact. The folder also exists in the artifact. If the user right-clicks on the folder, the user can view a few options of Create, Sync, Export, Copy, Replica, and Create Branch with the folder. However, if the user clicks on the artifact, the user can open a new tab of  “Rename, Delete, Sync, Copy, and Export”.

Note: You are recommended to download the latest released OpKey Execution Agent, install it and then use it for the successful test execution and work upon the newly released features.

Major Bug Fixes

Bug ID
Attachment Management || The text is not same on pop-up window
Mobile Recorder || The dropdown got small earlier It was big
Getting Error while giving input value from GDR after choosing Continous.
Session name edit button is not getting available on impact session.
Unable to delete any steps via delete icon in FL/TC
Sync or Export-Import progress UI is not visible when user click on minimize option when the functionality is performed in Job Portal platform.
Whole project workspace is getting exported when user syncs or exports a single job from job portal.
Scheduler | Grid Execution | Enable step logs checkbox is getting unchecked when user checks it and clicks on Ok button.
Multi Browser | Grid Execution | Scheduler | Step Logs are not coming in execution result when user selects the enable step logs checkbox and triggers execution
All Execution Wizards | Auto Save functionality of settings is not working for Enable Step Logs checkbox in more settings drop down
Exception occurred when refreshes browser tab after opening “Manage Job” / “See Results” module in Job Portal platform.
Unselected testcases inside a job is not getting synced to the destination while syncing a job from job portal.
After syncing, tag key selections are doubling in destination job in job portal.
TC/FL/BP/BC/Job | Right click option not appeared with keyword after change the state from “Review to draft” in flowchart view
Error occurs | when multiple user create global variable of collection datatypes on same project at same time |
TC/FL/BC/BP/ | after change the state from draft to review then if user switch to automated FL/TC then appeared UI not in locked state
in flow chart view left side UI is not correctly appeared (FL, BC, BP, TC, JOB)
UI issue is not as per latest changes on sync popup on both web/surge/job portal.
Typetext is not working in FL generated through API
when user create level with same name then loader stuck and error occurs.
Regular open New analysis impact report window open blank. |impact analysis|saleforce|
Accelerator Replica Issue | User getting BP/BC/TC/Job checkbox checked in Grid view when user checked checkbox from grid view and move to label view and again move to Label view
Getting “Object reference Not found” exception when map TC with Bug
When select Workflow then then it throw Error message In Jira
Surge | Jira | getting “NullReferenceException” Exception when map single Bug with multiple TC and execute it
Surge | Jira | getting “Duplicate entry” Exception when map issue in Jira one by one
NorthWell | GetObjectExistance Keyword is intermittently failed with StepTimeout issue
NorthWell | Keywords are getting failed while running two parallel session
NorthWell | Need Export/Import or Sync in OpKey Job Portal
NorthWell Requirement | Project Metadata -New feature request for reporting where required fields should shown up.

Known Issues

Issue ID
Octane || BPMN || when user open BP TC created in swim lane view or process builder view then upper header goes upward the screen
BPMN || in serpentine layout if flow reaches 3 to 4 line and user click linear layout at that time lane size is not decreasing as in linear layout lane size should come in default size of lane
Suitestep name should be changed in Auditrail od Test Cycle
Sequence of bar graphs is not correct in Requirement>Requirement coverage by Release charts
BPMN || when flows is gone in third lane then in second lane if user delete first task then task present at the end of the second lane is coming from from the starting position
BPMN || In node accosiator window SR Tab when user expand the tree then scroller is moving up and down two times because of lazy tree
Surge | Implement the Sync/Export/import functionality when BC mapped with “map with application’
BPMN || make a flow of 2 to 3 lane in which each lane consist of 4 to 5 line , then click show panel and observe UI is not coming proper and scroller is coming below
BPMN || when user expand group present from second line in serpentine layout then auto arrange is not working at that time
BPMN || Taking 14 to 15 sec to open BP , TC created in Swim Lnes and process builder view. Performance need to improve
BPMN || when grouping is present at the last of the lane then in next lane task is starting below start event and if group is not present at that time task is starting below the first task of default lane
BPMN || Select a task present at left side of group, now select a task present at right side of group now select a task present at left of group and click group and observe grouping is created instead error should come
BPMN || when flow reaches third line and then user changes lane then sequence flow going from the second lane instead it should not goto different lane
BPMN || when user switch lane i.e., drag drop event or task in new lane then auto-arrange not work at that time, user need to click auto-arrange button present in toolbar instead it should automatically get arranged in the desired position
BPMN || In process builder view if user goes in second line then the sequence flow should start with bottom of task and connects the task present in the second line from the top of the task body
BPMN || In BC Details if user selected any flow type then save button gets enable, but if user without saving click refresh button or switch tab then an pop up opens to save changes if user click NO then previous data is not coming
BPMN || add 5 task in the flow in which the third icon will be group which consist of 3 task and the fifth icon will be group consist of two task, expand the first group then the second and observe ui is not proper
BPMN || from second lane when user add or delete task then for a point of time ui is not coming proper
BPMN || Random || left-right scroller is coming at bottom of every field of new task when user drag and drop any task icon from new task pannel
please provide a proper notification message to user before 5 days about license expire.
BPMN || when user manually decrease lane size then its overlapping the sequence flow instead some space is required
BPMN || in process builder view user should able to expand the convas beyond screen so that if flow need more space then user should able to increase the size and scroller should come
BPMN || in Business component field present in Existing task of BP swim lanes and process builder view if name is larger and exceed the pannel then left-right scroller is not coming in its field
BPMN || when user change lane the sequence flow going out from last task of first lane and sequence flow connecting first task in second lane should get connected by Turing from a little bit space and sequence flow should come near the lane line
BPMN || select a group when expanded and observe html button icon is not coming in proper position it should be center aligned
BPMN || when user switch state from review to approved , publish or vice versa from second time then add button present in group icon stops working in bp created in swim lanes or process builder view
BPMN || Task icon present in a connected flow of process builder and business process view takes time to load
BPMN || when user drag any task present in the middle of the flow then all the flow present after that is shifting towards left
BPMN || when stop event reaches second line of the lane at that time sequence flow is not proper it should come in straight line
BPMN || Drag a task from the flow and drop it above another task present in the flow and see the task get stuck with pointer, now move your mouse pointer below the lane and see ui is not proper
BPMN || in SR Tab of Node associater window when user selects any folder then Create Folder , create new file button present in toolbar and Create button present at bottom of window is in disable state instead SR should be created
BPMN || user adjust size of lane through this icon but in linear layout it will be very hard for user to scroll and search this icon so from the whole border user should able to adjust the size of lane
BPMN || when user drag drop task present just below the end event in different lane then ui is not proper, end event changes the position and default lane size increases
BPMN || if BC has a large name then user not able to drag that BC till right side of the screen
BPMN || grouping is not created in same line when user expand group
BPMN || Random|| when user discard BPMN and new BPMN is loaded right click on that blank task and click link Business component ans see node associater window is not opening
At the time of opening any artifact loader should come below the tab field as in case if loader got stuck for currupted artifact then user should able to close the tab instead of url refresh
Silent installer || when in a system agent is installed for current user and user is installing same agent for all user silently then shortcut icon is not coming for other user of that system
Jenkins || Pcloudy credentials not getting authenticated for the first time for a new environment in jenkins
Kibana || when user select time “Today” and “This week” and export the dashboard data from download CSV then logs are not getting exported
when user copy-paste or copy-replica any folder, artifact which has name of 255 character then its getting error then also getting created with more than 255 char as “_Copy” also comes after name
Jenkins || user not able to authenticate user credentials in jenkins of local secured new environment for the first time whose self signed certificate is imported just now user need to re install plugin i.e “.hpi file” then only it starts authenticating

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