Opkey Release – 5.60

New Features

Comparison of Oracle-based reports through Opkey Surge

Opkey Surge (previously Opkey Test Accelerator) is now integrated with an advanced feature of comparing Oracle-based reports of different releases of Oracle versions. Supports report types are Payroll Activity Report, Payroll Register Report, Worker Details Report, Salary Details Report, Payables Report, Cash To General, Receivables To General, and Salary Basis. You can select or upload the desired report type, set tolerance, generate reports data and analytics, and analyze them.

You click on the Compare Reports button on the Opkey Surge home page, two options appear as Compare Reports and Report Analytics. From the Compare Reports page, you can navigate to the user instructions page and then go to the next page to select the desired report type, compare reports, and analyze the report data. You can select existing reports and upload external reports for comparison. You can also set tolerance in percentage and value unit. Once the report is generated, you can view and analyze the report’s data. Further, you can save reports and analytics or analytics only as per your requirement. You can save the generated reports, download it and save for later use. Reports Analytics page shows the saved analytics data and reports.

Multiple Themes in Opkey

There are multiple themes of Opkey that you can apply to change the overall theme of the Opkey user interface. You can navigate to the Profile page from where you can select the desired theme for your Opkey Web (Blue, Red or Purple).

Spock Agent support in Jenkins

Opkey users can now trigger their test execution on a machine by using Spock Agent and corresponding online Spock Agent Client. Before you trigger the test execution, make sure that Spock Agent client utility is running on the desired machine and it’s online.

Opkey email notification triggers

Opkey users can now send the desired report of test execution triggered on Jenkins by Spock Agent. For this, you need to select the required report type from the list. You can also customize the type of report based on the execution session status by selecting the Email notification type (ForEveryCase, ForEveryPassSession, & ForEveryFailSession). Make sure that the SMTP Setting is configured successfully on your machine. The status of the session will go as a subject of the mail sent through SMTP mail settings.

BPMN feature enhancement

There are two types of layouts of the BPMN view of Business Processes:

  • Serpentine Layout: Serpentine layout represents the snake like layout in which we are following a top down approach.

  • Linear Layout: linear layout view represents the straight line from left to right for every lane.

We are also providing plus (+) Button in sequence flow. Users can now add new blank tasks just by clicking on the plus (+) button present in sequence flow.

Opkey Surge Revamp

The brand name of the Opkey Test accelerator has now been revamped with the Opkey Surge.

Username update in respective field for executions run through ALM on Opkey

Now the name of the user (instead of admin) gets updated automatically in ALM under the Tester field in Test Runs for the executions run by a particular registered Opkey user in ALM. This helps admin to trace the runs executed by any particular registered user in ALM.

Updating name of the automation tool used for test automation

Opkey users executing runs from ALM can now update the name of the test automation tool (if you are using any other automation tool with Opkey) in the Run Details (custom field) under the Test Runs. For this, a new custom field (Field name: Automation & Field Value: Opkey) is added as, to the Additional Settings option on QC/ALM Settings page.

Updating Actual Result/Comment field in ALM

Opkey users can now update the actual result & comment field in ALM with respect to every Step of Test Case after execution.

All Continue On Error Settings

Now there is a significant enhancement in the feature named as “Continue On Error” in Opkey Web. A new setting option is added in the Advanced Execution Settings page with name All Continue On Error Settings. From here you can select Default Setting, Select All and Deselect All. If you select Default Setting then Continue On Error feature will work as per your settings applied at step level. If you choose Select All then this setting will be applied on your whole script for this test execution whether you have selected Continue On Error on step level or not. If you choose Deselect All option then this setting will be applied on your whole script for this test execution whether you have selected Continue On Error on step level or not.

Agent Management page merging

Agent Management page under the Admin section is now updated. Now there are two tabs, Local Agent and Spock Agent Client. You can navigate to the desired tab to perform the respective task..

Opkey Mobile based new features and enhancements

  • Image-based execution: Now Opkey users can perform image-based test execution on Android devices by cropping the image executing run by using Opkey Android Mobility plugin.

  • Mobicast support to Android v10 devices: You can now view the live test execution using Opkey Mobicast, running on the Android devices having Android version 10

  • Adb update: Opkey Android Mobility plugin now supports the latest ADB.

  • pCloudy service update: pCloudy service has now been updated to version 6 for effortless test execution on mobile devices.
    New Keyword implementation: There are few new keywords related to mobile-based test execution, added in this Opkey release. They are…

1. GetEditboxValue

2. GetTextFromEditbox

3. VerifyEditboxText

4. VerifyEditboxValue

5. VerifyEditboxEditable

6. VerifyEditboxEnabled

7. VerifyEditboxDisabled

8. Mobile_GetRadioButtonStatus

9. VerifyRadioButtonSelected

10. VerifyRadioButtonNotSelected

11. Mobile_SwitchWifi

12. Mobile_SwitchBluetooth

Note: You are recommended to download the latest released Opkey Execution Agent, install it and then use for the successful test execution and work upon the newly released features.

Major Bug Fixes

Issue key
OracleFusion || Table keywords are not working on one table.
Web Plugin || Web_TypeByText is throwing null pointer exception randomly.
Oracle Fusion Plugin|| OracleFusion_GetTableColumnValue is not fetching the complete column values.
Web Plugin || Web_TypeByText keyword is not working.
Safari Browser | All Plugins || Safari Browser is not getting closed after successful execution or if the run is stopped in between.
OracleFusion Plugin || OracleFusion_SelectDropDownByText keyword is not working.
ImageBasedExecution || every step is getting failed in a couple of sec and throwing exception…
Hotstar || apk is getting stuck in instrumentation throwing exception.
Kronos Recorder Wizard is Not appearing
CFL | Web | Getting blank UI of coded FL when open CFL in a FL whose mode is Automated or Manual.
Booking || Hybrid || The suggestion list is not appearing at the time of execution.
Vertical scrollbar available for manual step grid in FL/TC/Business Component is not properly visible.
UI issues on IE browser
getting exception in project dashboard when user close a triggered run at the time of footprint download
VerifyEditboxValue & Text keyword is giving wrong output for blank/null value.
From second build step or post build action if user has selected global variable option and then save and again come to config page then spock client alidation is coming even if local agent is selected
when user delete default lane then an error message comes , text is not proper and when user delete default lane from keyboard button the its getting deleted
when use select sep one and thn select second step by draging it a bit then at that time highlight comes to second step in ui but in Back-end first step is only selected as inputdata and output data field of first step is opening
user able to decrese lane size manually even if task is present at the bottom of the lane
add task fom add button the drag drop blank task from left panel observe:- its going inside that task
when we select checkbox of Allow lower case Alphabet , allow upper case alphabet and allow numbers in adg and associate this adg to a step in TC for eg convertToString then getting exception in logs while executing
Keyword Management || Table size is looking too small under keyword management.
Message change for some scenarios from core side
Agent management | when user delete registered Spock agent client then client delete without given the info that client register in agent pool
In XML -For Table Row some flags needed to pick data from Excel for Keycolumn
In serpentine layout when flow reaches second line drag drop end event i different lane, the dag drop task present just before he end event and then again drag drop task present before that task, ui is not proper
IE | Accelerator TC | getting “Associated step output” button in bottom factory (Random issue)
UI of smart Recorder window gets too much minimized in IE
Spy or Recorder Is not Seen When We mouse hover it .
Side Scroll Bar Is Coming After Recorded a Single Step in Recorder
on a particular position FlowType suboption of right click option is going out of screen
Right click option is going Behind the toolbar when user click the step present in the upper middle of screen in automated artifact
In Flowchart view of all artifact , if user delete any step then highlight is vanishing from UI instead it should move to next step
Vertical scrollbar available in suite is not properly visible.
Complete vertical scrollbars are not available in project dashboard and last item in label tree is not completely visible on accelerator platform.
In automated BC , BP, TC Accelerator flowchart view right click option is going below bottom pannel
Getting Exception on sync TC and Job of accelerator
UI issue on data source mapping pane available for dynamic object properties in grid/flowchart view in automated business component.
Exception “Sequence contains no elements” is displayed on screen when user maps input/object datasource in FL/TC/BC.
*Exception “The parameters dictionary contains a null entry for parameter ‘inputArgID’ of non-nullable type ‘System.Guid’ for method ‘System.Web.Mvc.JsonResult” occurred after providing static value in dynamic object property of a step.
need to change all platform icon in switch platform field
delete button is disable in right click option and toolbar button when user select blank task
Unable to add output parameters in an associated function library with collection type datatypes from Model.
scroller is not coming in static data field of input data in TC Acceleator
when user drag drop task present in second line in serpentine layout then the task present just before it overlaps the lane border
In linear layout when user add step the lane size is not automaticaly increased and task goes beyound the lane till then user click linear layout button
when user add task from add button or drag drop existing BC then Header text is coming in the task which should not come
In linear layout if user drag drop blank task or existing task then also diagram follows serpentine layout
Auto arrange layout button working on review state
user able to add task from add button present in sequence flow in review state
Error “Unable to download File : 065efff8-b82c-47c2-94fb-dacce0054c20.jpg -> 79b3db34-5fd3-42d9-8601-b329b145cf80 due to file is corrupted.” is displayed on screen when user exports an object repository in staging environment.
GetGlobalDRValue and SetGlobalDRValue keywords are not working if none of the cells have value in mapped shared GDR.
UI of Collection window in LDR
Sroll bar issue in User instruction page
when a flow of BP goes to different lane and user auto arrange the flow , the flow does not apears to be proper
in add existing task search bar, when user click refresh button then highlight comes to project workspace but text does not vanishes
Appium|| Web_ClickbyText throwing exception com.plugin.appium.exceptionhandlers.ObjectPropertiesNotSufficientException after providing input data.
when user drag drop a blank or existing bc task above task present in second lane then ui is not proper
In linear lauout wen user drag drop a Task or end event it coming in the starting position of second lane, due to that ui is not proer
when user drag drop end event an then the task present just before end event and add one task and then change the layout from serpentine to linear , ui is not proper
Lane Canvas should be movable when user drag from mouse click as when user zoom in then they should be able to see each part of diagram by draging canvas
when user drag drop any task from middle to anther lane then ui is not proper
if in BP user does not hide the left pannel then in serpentine layout when TC will be open of that TC the Gap is coming at right side
when user mouse hover pink dot present in Text annotation the in tooltip instead of sequence flow “Association Flow” should come
In node associater window select a BC and then click refresh button and see highight is moving to project worspace but create button remains disable
In serpentine layout when the left pannel is hiden then add task that it reaches third line and see task present in second line is going outside the screen from left side
when end event reaches the last point of second line in serpentine layout the ui is not proper
Canvas got stuck when user add task by drag drop in sequence flow before associated BC task
getting exception when user select default color in right click color option
when user delete sequence flow connected to end event and connect it with task the sequence flow should folow serpentine layout behaviour in serpentine layout
when user add sequence flow from both side to a task i.e., first task is connecting seond and third task is also connecting second the canvas freezes and user not able to do anything in diagram
in second lane auto arrange functionality stops working when user drag drop task and connect them with the flow
if user add task from add button present in sequence flow in different lane then task should be added in that lane only
Put a task in second lane and click add button present in sequence flow of that task and see the auto arange not working
when user associate first task and third task with bc and leave second task unassociated then in backend flow third step is coming as first and first step is coming as second
when user drag drop a task in different lane and changes the layout then ui is not proper
when user drag drop task in different lane then sequence flow is overlapping
Object properties and GDR value is not getting available when user perform create Branch.
Salesforce Api | getting exception when creating BC through api
APPIUM || Swipe To Object keyword getting Fake Pass on Xpath basis.
user able to manually drop task or event below the screen in serpentine layout, instead it should not move below the screen and size of lane should manually incease in width as scroller is not present in serpentine layout
TC/BC | Not able to save description and expected result value in details Tab and after click on refresh button value hide from UI
Spock client which is online should be shown firstlt then the offline client utility
spelling of spock in spock agent client is not correct instead of spoc spock should come
Spock agent client is not getting saved , after every run triggered when user come to config page spock agent client vanishes
Help Link is not opening in Create BC page
Multibrowser || The color should be green for a better combination.
Multi browser | in advance setting pop up appeared text hide behind the UI
FL/BC | when user double click on collection type output parameter then it throw exception
Remove Numbering icon and use some other icon in first page of wizard
TC/Suite/job | getting exception when export generate document
when custom field is mandatory (Required) and value is not provided then appeared message not proper
Unlink BC is working as Delete node as its deleting the selected task when user drag drop BC from existing task BC tree instead it should deassociate the Linked BC
when user click serpentine layout or linear layout then start event , end event and task is not coming in same line
when user make flow in serpentine layout then sequence flow is going out of the lane
when user click the scroller present in add new task field then its not scrollng down even if icon present below , when user uses mouse scroller then only its scrolling
in srpentine layout whe flow reaches secound line then end event not coming in same line that of task
when user hide left panel then diagram is not auto arranging
Minimum width of lane is slightly bigger than window
when user drag drop an existing bc in a lane and do not connect it with flow and then click add button present in sequence flow then task is not getting added and ui is not proper
if user drag drop a task in sequence flow then auto arrange is not working
when end event reaches second line in serpentine layout then its not coming in a straight line
Unlink business component and delete task has the same behaviour instead in delete task the whole task should get deleted from the flow and in unlink Business component associated Business component should get unlinked
Delete button in right click option is in disable state when user select blank task
Instead of node Task should come in delete sub option
In right click color option default color should be white and the color present in default color option should also come in the list
Tolerence page need to implemented
Mapping of LDR get disappear after syncing
GetEditBoxValue & GetTextFromEditBox || Taking buttons as editboxes
All editboxes keywords are taking non editbox objects as editbox
On internal tab switching in TC and FL user need to change state again n again
JIRA | Update TMT button should be disabled when user execute a FL/BC
JIRA | mapping detail page is not opening (Random)
JIRA | Ui is not proper of fields and Loaders are not appearing while opening jira filter and searching bugs in filter
Help button is not getting clickable on Execution result.
JIRA/Sync | Bug mapping are not syncing from one project to another
when User click to open Internal Impact button to view impact then highlighted internal impact button is getting dismiss.|Web|ACC|
Firefox | CFL | Web | Accelerator | Intellisense On state icon is not proper. Displaying a grey image icon.
Accelerator BP |getting exception “Sequence contains no elements” when mapping data source in BP
Accelerator TC | After hard reload if user open TC then in TC associate step output button appeared and after click on that button it throw exception
in grid view error message not readable clearly
Suite | in suite when user hover on called TC then tool tip not appeared
Admin Panel | Displaying File Transfer History under the Single Sign On tab.
Download Centre | OCC Mac | Displaying mac adaptor in the OCC components list. Remove mac adaptor from the OCC Mac components list.
Download Center | OCC Windows | Text written inside OCC Windows component list is wrong. Its displaying 4 components in ltext whereas there should be 5 components.
VNC | When VNC open then if user close then agent, stop the session, delete the session then VNC is disconnect but their is no proper message why VNC is disconnect
FL viewer UI color should be different from keyword grid so that user can know that FL viewer is disable
Project workspace tree is not coming when tc or fl switch to automated keyword view
LDR Cross button to close LDR window is not coming in accelerator in safari
UI issue on Generate document wizard
Not able to view Source files
All FLs are coming on conflict window if there is error in one FL also
Not able to select files from Choose existing files
Sequence contains no element exception comes when click on refresh button in Source File Manager
Exception is coming while deleting Source files
when user drag drop task then it is not dropping in the same line of default task or start event , as when user connect that task with sequence flow then the sequence flow is not a straight line
Select iteration field and open MetaInfo and observe in RunTimeDataRepository field the text is going in header , allignment is not proper in execution result dashboard web
Allignment of default value dropdown is not proper in collection type Input parameters
Task is not getting associated when user switch the same sequence flow from other task , its only getting associated when user delete the existing sequence flow and create a new one
first task needs to be linked with BC by right click option then only we can drag drop from BC tree, if user delete the default task and drag drop from BC tree then it will not get associated
getting exception of duplicate entry when user link FL in model
Now we are clicking the text to move the task in a lane and we are clicking anywhere in body to create sequence flow , which is not correct functionality
Any Task is getting placed just above another task or event
There should not be outgoing sequence flow from end event
schedular accessblity check gives voilations
error text should come from middle if it exceed the first line
Add-step searchbox text vanishes when clicked outside the step but the keyword remains expanded
LDR Encryption | when user execute TC with file type LDR and in FL user user IP in Test Object then in result object not found message is displayed
when user launch Spock agent utility then it throw exception on CMD
IE | Accelerator TC | Extra scroll bar appeared in input data(static data and LDR)
Agent management | when user delete registered agent then appeared message in pop up need to uodate
Admin Panel | Project Management | Displaying File Transfer History inside project management. Remove file transfer history from project management.
when we recording in FL with chrome addon then some time recorded FL tab is opened in tab scroll but artifact not opened and at the same time we open other artifact ans closed it then it show exception
when user try to remove used output data then opened pop up not closed after click on NO, cancel button in TC. FL, BC, BP
when user remove used output data then opened pop up not closed after click on cancel button
when TC/FL/BC in freeze then mode need to be in disable state
Admin | for non admin user in admin panel “file transfer” history not appeared
External Tools :- when user mapped a single issue with multiple TC then if user execute a single TC the it throw exception
remove Ie protected browser from kronos recorder Window
Overlapping issue is Add Area DropDrown in Or
If the task is associated with previous node only then also BC is getting associated , it should check previous as well as next node
Flow from start event to end event is not connected then also the step is showing in tc
Start event is movable in every lane instead it should not move beyound the default lane
On hover tool tip not appeared complete and on some browser tool tip alignment not correct
Multi browser :-in last run session when user hover on i icon then tool tip not appeared
Job Portal | UI of schedule jobs pop up is not correct
External tool | jira/azure | unwanted scroll bar appeared in configure in fetch your project
External tool | jira | alignment of jira mapping button is not proper
External tool :- Alignment of “map to Jira” button not correct in details external tool mapping and extra space appeared in filter window
Firefox | when user create GDR then last row display not correct
TC | compare backup window is not correct when compare data is large
Create session | Copy/paste and move up/down button is enabled when TC is not added
Grid Execution | when user click on user drop down then when user left right scroll bar then UI not appeared correctly
job portal | in queued session pop up when user click on drop down then drop down open in bottom side not in top
Accelerator Job | when user change the state then in pop up complete message not appeared
Admin panel | with paging extra space is appeared in bottom
Admin panel | in queued session queued session and finished session when user click on “view the path” button then in opened pop up when user scroll move to right then UI not appeared correctly
job portal | when user move the split bar in right in execution result then right side UI damaged in different resolution (1280*720 and 1366*768))
job portal | when user select “request job, execution result and other” then from left side then focus is not on selected button
TC/FL/BC | when user have focus in Manual TC/FL/BC then if user click on ADG, GV and other left side pop up then UI damaged
When we Click on Oracle Ebs Recorder , Oracle Recorder Wizard Is Not appearing
When we Click on Desktop Recorder , MainFrame Recorder Wizard Is appearing
In manage artifact grid view “search by label” drop down scroller is not coming in Accelerator
In Admin pannel Create User pop up window Default Privlages field , allignment is not proper
JIRA | Bug Status is not updating form Open to Won’t fix
Getting System.IO.PathTooLongException in agent while launching application using Appium plugin.
In Accelerator || After Checking on CheckBox on Selected option Still Getting Focus .
Sequence flow button present in the task, performance is not proper
ToolTip border is not proper in manage artifact in accelerator
CFL | Web | Loader is getting stuck when we are clicking on the coded function library tab.
Salesforce | Keyword SetTime giving “LabelMissing” and “SF_TypeTextOnRichTextAreaByText” getting failed with Label Not Found on Using IDA
Salesforce | SF_TypeByText, SF_LaunchAppAndSelectItem,SF_DeSelectCheckBoxByText, getting failed with IDA
Salesforce | Keyword SF_SelectEditView with message list Item Not Found with Dynamic object after adding IDA.
Salesforce | Keyword SF_DeSelectCheckBoxByText getting failed with message”#1: Text is not provided<>” after adding the Dynamic OR to IDA
IE Browser | OracleFusion Plugin || OracleFusion Set Timeout issue
PeopleSoft Plugin | IE Browser || PS_SelectCheckBoxInTableCell keyword is getting fail but is selecting the desired checkbox.
Salesforce | Keyword SF_ClickByTextInSequence getting failed with message MethodNotFound
Appium|| Finder-Changes| Unable to find object by property Content Description
Salesforce | SF_LaunchApp getting failed in lightening mode

Known Issues

Issue ID
Visual Validation || VisualValidation_CheckPoint keyword message difference is found but in attachment no diiference found
Two calls are going when user opens a FL or TC in Opkey web and 3 calls are going when user open BC , and BP in accelerator and 4 calls are going when user open TC accelerator as in kibana 2,3 and 4 logs are coming respectively
If a BC is called in BP created in BPMN mode has no input parameters then the input data should be in disable mode when user select that BC in BP
Tool Bar button of node associater window in BP created in BPMN is not working
CFL | Web & Accelerator | Displaying 00:00:00 in the output value of collection date and time for any value of time provide
CFL | Web | Accelerator | Coded FL is getting fail due to unable to format argumrnts when we are using double type input parameter in it.
when user change the state from draft to review, publish or approved state of BP created in BPMN mode the right click context menu is enable for the first time, when user switch tab and come again then it comes in disable state
Is file checkbox issue in SR
Is file checkbox is not getting synced in SR Rest
In TC acc side if provide invalid data value in collection data type error comes
Accelerator TC | in firefox, in accelerator TC when user enter value in static section then typing time lag appeared
Update button of File type LDR is not working on Mac-safari browser
CFL | Web | Accelerator | Bottom scroll bar and end statement bracket are getting hide inside the footer of CFL.
CFL | Multiple calls are going for intellisense due to which garbage collector limit is exceeding.
CFL | Web | Accelerator | CFL and Coded BC is not getting save when user clicks on NO button in confirmation pop up for save changes. User is also not able to move on selected module.

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