Opkey Release – 5.51

New Features

Auto generated FL for Salesforce object
Now OpKey users can auto generate the Function Libraries for the Salesforce objects. You don’t need to record actions performed on Salesforce and record test steps with corresponding keywords. Here, you just need to apply API Settings, add team & environment from Tools menu. After that, create Function Library for the desired Salesforce object. You can mark Generate generic components checkbox to create Login, Navigation and Action Components in the Default Salesforce Location. Once the Function Library has been created successfully you can execute it directly or add it to other file and execute accordingly.

Spock Agent support for local hosted OpKey
OpKey Spock Agent (cloud agent) now supports test execution on the locally hosted OpKey Web. If you need to use Spock Agent then contact with our OpKey support team (support@opkey.com). OpKey support team with coordinate with you and install Spock Agent in your locally hosted OpKey environment.

Project Sync in Same Domain
OpKey users can now sync their files and folder from one project to another project in the same OpKey domain. In order to sync a file or folder, right click on that file or folder, click on Sync option, enter OpKey URL Name (domain name), User Name, Password, select Project and click on Sync in sync wizard. The sync process will take few moments which depends on the size of the file or folder. You can save the entered credentials in Sync Wizard by marking Remember Me checkbox. If you want to sync file or folder without syncing user(s) then you can mark Sync without user(s) checkbox.

Version control
Version Control is an advanced feature of OpKey which has been delivered in this OpKey release. It allows you to save a version of the file which can be further restored, if required. The version of the file will get saved under the Older Version tab in the dockable panel. You can open the Older Version tab from dockable panel and view the saved versions of the file. Here, you can view the details (Created By, Created On, Modified By and Modified On) of the file, preview, restore this version, restore to the desired place in workspace and delete the file.

Branching of File & Folder
Branching is a new feature in OpKey, which allows you to create a new branch (project) of the desired file or folder at the same domain. The newly created project branch will contain all the files and folder for which you have created this new branch. Select file or folder from the project workspace, right click on desired file or folder and click on Create Branch. Enter project name, password and click on Create. A new project branch (containing corresponding files and folders) will be created at the same OpKey domain.

The newly created project branch can be further merged to any existing project at the same domain. To do so, click on the Merge To under the Tools menu, select project and then click on Merge. The project branch will get merged to the desired project with the same folder name.

Gherkin Report with embedded screenshots
Now, you can export execution report with screenshots for the Gherkin file having custom keywords in mapped FLs. If there are custom keywords used in the Function Libraries mapped with the Gherkin statements then Gherkin Report of execution result contains screenshots. All the used custom keywords are shown in the list along with View Screenshot as links for navigating to the corresponding screenshot.

Special Character Restriction for File Names
Here are some special characters which are not allowed to be used in the name of files to be uploaded in Attachment Management, Keyword Management and Mobile Management. These special characters are !, -, _, ., *, ‘, (, and ). Moreover, here are some other characters which should be avoided in file names; they are \, {, Non-printable ASCII characters (128–255 decimal characters), ^, }, %, /, `, ], >, [, ~, <, #, |, and *.

Adding Custom Logo to the Result Report
OpKey users can now add their custom logos to the result reports to be exported. Here, you just need to upload the custom logo image file and export reports. Now, you can upload your custom logo to the project from the OpKey Admin panel. Once the logo is uploaded to the project successfully, the report sent through SMTP settings will contain that custom logo of the project.

OpKey supports Azure DevOps Services & Azure DevOps Server

OpKey now supports Azure DevOps Services and Azure DevOps Server. As Microsoft has changed Visual Studio Team Services as Azure DevOps Services and Team Foundation Server as Azure DevOps Server so we have also changed our backend APIs and mechanism to support Azure DevOps Services as well as Azure DevOps Server, both. Visual Studio Team Services and Team Foundation Server are already supported by the OpKey. You can now configure Azure DevOps Services with OpKey and work on it. By using Azure, you can map your project artifacts to log new bugs, map bugs with test case, update status of logged bugs and do more.

ALM Feature enhancements

Now, there will be no attachments with Test Plan and Requirement mapped with the Test Case in OpKey. Attachments existing elsewhere will contain links to view snapshots. Now, users can create their own folder in the Test Set on execution of Suite. You need to provide the name of folder (to be created) in the Field Value column in the added new field with name Test_Set_Folder_Name under Additional Settings. New Suites will not be created on each test execution but the existing Suite will get updated.

New Keywords added in OpKey

Here are few new keywords which have now been added in this OpKey release. They are as follows:

  • Web_ResizeBrowser
  • SF_SelectRecordType
  • Mobile_GetOTP
  • Mobile_GetRecentMessage
  • Mobile_GetRecentToastMessage
  • Mobile_VerifyRecentToastMessage

– An existing keyword named as LoadOpKeyMobility has now been renamed as LoadOpKeyMobility-Android.

Coded FL Feature Enhancements
Now, Spock Agent in Coded Function Library in OpKey supports Java 11. You can execute your Coded FL (developed with Java 11) on Spock Agent. Now, errors generated in console window of Coded FL on code compilation, the corresponding syntax will get highlighted. On mouse hover, details about the syntax error will be displayed which help you to debug the code.

Other features & enhancements

  • While working with a Test Case and adding SR Methods to it, the searching of Service Repository files has now been optimized significantly.
  • Now, OpKey has a separate dedicated Instrumentation server for neonifying Android and iOS Apps. Thus, the overall performance of neonification of app has been optimized.
  • OpKeyMobility plugin has now been renamed as OpKeyMobility_Android.
  • Now, the functionality of OpKey Web plugin has been improved. If you want to perform actions during test execution using Web plugin based on visibility of the object then you can mark PerformVisibilityCheck checkbox showing in advanced execution settings.

Note: You are recommended to download & install latest released OpKey Agent for test execution.

Major Bug Fixes

Issue key
Mobile_recording | WCAG2.0 | Getting an Exception when trying to stop and save recorded steps while recording
Checker Maker | Saving wizard is not getting clicked to save and cancel “X” option
|Mobile_execution| Mobile execution not working in pCLoudy
|Mobile_execution| Type text on edit box keyword not working
|Mobile Recorder| Recording not getting stopped on recording with latest instrument apk
List of projects are displayed under “MergeTo: Original Project” group where the current project is not a branched project.
Unable to create replica of a file. Error occurred while starting replica.
Replica| Whenever user create copy replica then loader is getting stuck on the pop-up window.
“Destination URL” and “User name” fields should not be displayed on “Create Branch” popup.
“Cancel” button available on “Merge To” window is not working.
Exception message “Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.” is displayed on screen when user download logs from “MergeTo” window when project merging is in progress.
“Delete” file popup is getting displayed on screen when user open and closes replicated file tab.
Exception message “Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.” is displayed on screen when user clicks “Cancel” button available on “MergeTo” window while merging two projects.
Execution Wizard| Decrypt button is not working under show advance settings.
Queued Replica|UI| Unable to view buttons under queued replica pop-up window.
Replica| When user minimize and then restore the pop-up window then title is changed of exporting artifacts of replica.
Other projects which are not assigned to current non-admin user is displayed in “Select Project” field available in “Merge To” window.
Error message for restricted folder is displayed on screen when user try to start recording after selecting an unrestricted OR which is in restricted folder.
User should not be allowed to delete a folder if that folder has restricted files/folders in it.
Grid Execution || unable to trigger the qued session :-
Grid UI issue:- ui of cancel button at lowest bottom side shown wrong in FireFox
artifacts taking much time to Import
Plugin is taking time to load when user execute a component
“Java not found ” error
Wrong behavior on UI for “restrict all” checkbox available on Set Permissions window available in project management on admin panel.
Calender icon is not working in Execution Result Dashboard
ALM | UI is not proper
ALM | Save button is getting enabled when click on Project/Domain field
ALM | getting exception when user click on empty field in Authentication window
Execution | Result window is not opening after clicking on Finish button in Execution Wizard
Sel_JS_3.13 || Web_DeSelectCheckboxByText keyword is getting failed and giving ObjectNotFound in case OR and Dynamic OR
Suite|Cloud Execution Wizard| Alignment of text under cloud execution wizard is not proper.
Admin|Agent Management| When agent name is of more length then it should be trimmed.
|Mobile-execution(hybrid)| GettextExistence on screen and verify text existance on screen not working
MBT|Input Parameter| Select All check box getting check when user switch to next input parameter and change its data type.
UI issue on datatype selection drop-down for input parameters added from Model.
ADG| When user click on refresh button searched value is not getting clear from search field.
|Mobile_Keyword| Mobile_click by text and Type_by text throwing wrong debug info, on giving wrong index instead of “object not found”
|Mobile_Keyword| Mobile_click by text and Type_by text throwing exception on giving wrong index instead of “object not found”
“Export” option is not available on context menu when user right clicks on model in project workspace tree.
|Mobile_execution(hybrid)| Object text should not come in a text format of “\n <obj text \n>”
ALM | Getting exception when provided space in Folder name through Opkey
Jenkin | Cloud Run | Pcloudy | Opkey Cloud Settings & Pcloudy settings UI are not in Proper Format
getting object reference exception when deleting sparkin paragraph
Move Up and Down in not working in LDR tab at Accelerator end due to focus issue
Duplicate name found message coming in LDR tab at Accelerator end
Execution Result | UI issue under execution result .
|Mobile_execution| Throwing exception while executing step, if dynamic object is given as a object input.
Report|UI| Text color of view snapshot is not proper.
One checkbox should only be checked at once in LDR default checkbox
Online/Offline UI Issue | User information is getting hide user mouse hover on user which is online
|Mobile_Execution||TypesecureText| Keyword not working , throwing exception
Attachment | File is not uploading if file name contains {}[]`~#%^, Error notification is also not proper
TypeSecureText || Password field not decrypting in typesecuretext keyword.
Global Variable| Double focus is displaying when user provide any value in Global Variable.
Global Variable| Wrong icon is displaying when user decrypt the value of secured string in global variable.
Flow Chart / TC | Focus get shifted when user add keyword through Add Test tab.
GDR | Color of State not changing by default.
Smart recorder | Recorder is not getting launch while recording.
|Mobile_Execution| Object snapshot not getting captured while execution into local device
|Mobile Recorder| xpath:relative filed is not showing value
SAAS Accelerator || Execution session report dashboard || User is not able to get the meta information and Tag of sessions
SAAS Accelerator | BC | BP | TC | UI for Step details , Input data , Output data and so on in side bar get disturbed
Taoti – VisualQA – Last screenshot seems to be replicates/overlapping
Upload Already Instrumented app option not working with iOS
Object’s name field is not visible in created FL
SR || Button Search selected step is not highlighting the step when it is SR.
|Mobile_keyword|WaitForObject| Keyword not getting failed after given timeout in input argument, it is searching till default step step time out.
|Mobile Keyword| If keyword is not implemented , then keyword should get skipped instead of getting failed
|Mobile_Report| If keyword not implemented for Mobile plugin, so in execution report message should show “Method not implemented”
|Mobile_logs| “TV display id Invalid, will send event to default display Id ” msg is showing in logs as swipe keyword invokes
GDR | Row count is not showing properly
OR | Audit trail is not written correctly when user delete child object
|Mobile_Execution|After completion of execution, apk not getting closed in itself
|pCloudy Execution| Application not getting closed after complition of execution
|Pcloudy Snapshot| Snapshot not coming while executing script into pCloudy devices

Known Issues

Issue ID
[Mobile_recorder_native] | jabong | Recording | Application keeps closing / crashing when try to perform few swiping actions on home page
When user open pdf file in acrobat adobe reader then image and text are getting blurred in its default view.
Go Back option is not working under gherkin report when user view snapshot.
Image is getting downloaded while clicking on view original option under gherkin report.
Getting exception while importing i.e. file is encrypted or is not a database as zip file does not contain “.db” file in it.
ALM | Snapshot link is not available in reports if Keyword approach is executed through TC
Tunnel | Stats, Report,Attachment is not uploading in Defect (TFS/ALM/JIRA)
SAAS Accelerator | Import | Importing artifact get stucked and count sent “0” , when user do refresh browser while having import is in progress
SAAS Accelerator / Web || Sync || While having sync is in progress on state to start lock checking ,user reload page then syncing get stuck and submit button also get blocked
Spock Agent coded FL Issue | Teleporting Tunnel utility is not invoked automatically when Coded FL jesry server is already open and user try to execute flow through Spock agent
Spock agent Issue | Teleporting Tunnel automatically not closed when user execute multiple flow like “15” on multiple machine through Spock agent
Coded FL auto highlight UI Issue | User not properly getting description of coded FL error on tooltip when user compile the code and mouse hover on Error
Spock Agent Issue | User getting exception “Object reference” when user try to execute multiple flow like “15” flow
Workday || WD_SelectCheckboxInTableCell : Kyeword getting fail and send msg in dubug info : no such element: Unable to locate element:
Workday Keyword |WD_FindAndSelectLovInTableCell | WD_SearchAndSelectLovInTableCell | Keywords done movement in all over same page and not able to redirect at defined position
Workday Keyword | Wd_FindAndSelectLov | Keyword Doing Multiple Action and Not able to Find and Select any Data
“ClickOnObjectInTableCellByQuery” keyword is getting failed during execution.
Need to change datatype of keyword “GetSalesforceAuthorizationToken”‘s data input argument.
Northwell_Dashboard| When user delete tag at the time of request job or modify job then refresh button get disabled.
|Spock Agent| Unable to execute multiple session at a same point via spock agent
SaasImpactAnalysis|| Salesforce||Unable to view a impact report loader persist although was able to generate impact report.Object count was 174.
“Download logs” IE specific Issue | when user click on download logs two or three times then user getting a separate window of logs.
“GetRadioButtonCount” keyword is getting failed while execution.
“New Test Cases” are getting displayed for “Model Test Coverage” on impact analysis window even though user has not deleted or added any new vertices/edges on existing model.
Accelerator || IE || Tags || Getting error “Unable to Find selected Tag, it might have been deleted.Kindly refresh.” whenever user Add Tag.
Bitbucket || (race condition issue) In parallel execution, if auto generated Build and Suite then getting exception.
CFL || Constructors and overloading methods are not visible in intellisense suggestions at UI level.
CFL|| Icons are missing for ‘Static method’, static and non-static fields.
Chrome Addon/ Chrome Recorder | Overlapping of tab under chrome recorder .
CodedFL || When importing a package from associated jar then colon at end of the statement is not getting added.
Correct path/test case is getting displayed under “Impacted” category for “Model Test Coverage” and “Model Automation Implementation” on impact analysis window.
Data-set is displayed for session under business process detailed report which are not executed using LDR on session dashboard in accelerator platform.
Detailed report is not getting exported correctly
Error message “Cannot Move Step” is displayed on screen when user try to move a step upwards on business component or business process on accelerator platform.
Galen and Accessibility || Unable to execute the flow on MAC.
GDR | Run-time value of GDR is showing incorrect in result
Gherkin | Linked FL is not getting executed when user execute Gherkin.
Gherkin | Loader appears continuously when user copy and paste under gherkin.
GV of collection of string or keyvaluepair is not coming in drop in data input argument if GV is blank
GV || List Type GV || At Run Time || List Items Popup size should be bigger as it can show multiple list items.
IE || Added Output parameter gets disappear whenever user provide invalid value in Collection Data type output parameter.
LDR/DataSet | Live result is not uploading when execute a TC with heavy data
Login project load time has been increased from last optimized timing 7sec (in US machine) to 11sec.
MBT /Overlapping | Overlapping issue when user create edge from one node to another node under MBT.
MBT | Edge Overlapping issue when user link edges from one node to another node.
MBT | Edge overlapping issue when user link node through edges.
MBT | Edge should be properly visible when user drag node in between Node and edge with less distance coverage.
MBT | Impacted Test case remains visible after selecting Mark a resolve checkbox checked.
MBT | Issue in Auto arrange when user drag node in between Self loop.
MBT | User is not able to create FL through model having more then 200 FL in it.
MBT | User is not able to Drag existing FL under MBT .
MBT/DRAG DROP | Drag drop issue under MBT when user drag node under Edge .
MBT_DragDrop | Behavior of drag and drop is not proper when user drag any node in between edge and node.
MBT| Unnecessary loader appears when user click on New Test case Tab under analyse window.
Model | User is able to move editable field under MBT when user edit any node.
Newly added business component is getting added to wrong position when user clicks “add” button after selecting group on business process/component.
PeopleSoft Plugin | IE Browser || PS_SelectCheckBoxInTableCell keyword is getting fail but is selecting the desired checkbox.
Project updation performance || Time taken to update a project details on project management=21sec in qa1.stg.myopkey.com.
qTest || Search by ID field should get cleared whenever user switch option from Requirement to Test Case via-versa in qTest Filter.
Some other steps are also getting Grouped in BP if select any two step and rigt click to group
Some validation required on UI level for Integer and Double data type in ADG
SR || LDR is saving the date format “1999-01-01T23:01:01+01:00” into “1/1/1999 10:01:01 PM” which is causing to fail SR.
SR || Usability || Need to improve usability of data which appeared under “Method/Service Details.”
TC|GetGlobalDRValue| Share GDR radio button is not getting selected when user click on share GDR radio button.
Template fonts are not very clear on FF browser for Gherkin Report
Template of Gherkin Report is hazy
UI of grouping done in BP between added steps (i.e. multiple BCs) are not visible in TC on accelerator platform.
Unable to export detailed pdf report of 30000 steps and an error “504 Gateway Time-Out” occurs.
Unable to release lock of SSO users as projects are assigned through groups to the users and are not directly assigned from project management.
Validation should be implemented for different data type in Excel file LDR
Value is not showing correct in Integrated if FL is called in another FL1 and input parameter is added in FL1 also.
Wrong order(Different order from which user has added and has been executed) of datasets is displayed under each testcases displayed under business process detailed report section on session dashboard.
Spock agent issue | If in between execution connection is lost then session is not continue and message appears on screen “Channel and connection has broken”
Spock Agent Issue | User not getting Snapshots when user execute Desktop flow through Desktop plugin
Spock Agent Issue | Tunnel connection automatically broken when user execute flow which is more than 1 hour on our network
Spock Agent issue | Native player still running in Task manager when user execute flow of Opkey Desktop keywords through Desktop plugin
CFL|| Icons are missing for ‘Static method’, static and non-static fields.
CFL || Description of Input parameter created inside CodedFL is not visible in FL and TC.
CodedFL || When importing a package from associated jar then colon at end of the statement is not getting added.
SalesForce_Classic || Keyword “SF_Click” is getting failed with message “Object not found”.
MBT (Auto-Arrange) || Model after auto-arranging model is not usable as edge labels and edges are overlapping added vertices.
MBT /Overlapping | Overlapping issue when user create edge from one node to another node under MBT.
Accelerator|TC| Implementation of Queuing in TC at accelerator end.
FL is getting opened from session result which was executed on tag basis, while left panel is having files and folders of execution result.
Correct path/test case is getting displayed under “Impacted” category for “Model Test Coverage” and “Model Automation Implementation” on impact analysis window.
MBT | Edge should be properly visible when user drag node in between Node and edge with less distance coverage.
MBT_DragDrop | Behavior of drag and drop is not proper when user drag any node in between edge and node.
MBT | Edge Overlapping issue when user link edges from one node to another node.
MBT | Edge overlapping issue when user link node through edges.
MBT | Drag drop issue under MBT whenever user drag node.
Object available on Object input argument OR tree is getting duplicated when user refreshes OR tree on TC/FL.
Recorder Auto Start || JNLP is getting downloaded even when the OpKey Smart Recorder is installed in the system (Scenario Specific).
Recorder Auto Start | Firefox| Edge Browser || JNLP is not getting downloaded if OpKey Smart Recorder is not installed on the system.
Connected links available on flowchart is wrongly aligned when user collapse/expand nested IF/For blocks.
Folder-Replica| Getting an Exception System.TimeoutException: Timeout performing EVAL when user queue replica with 11 users.
Folder-Replica|Queued Replica| Getting exception resTech.OpKey.Exceptions.DatabaseException: Fatal error encountered during data read.
GDR | Audit trails are not showing correctly when deleting a row
GDR | Column name is showing incorrect when adding a column after deleting 25 columns
Gherkin | Browser hangs when press enter after giving space in statements
Input Parameter|| Once FL is called in TC,If we change data type as file type to string, and if we refresh TC, in data input argument, attached file continue to be shown.
Intellisense Coded_FL Issue | user getting object intelisense outside of the Scope
Folder-Replica|Queued Replica| Getting exception resTech.OpKey.Exceptions.DatabaseException: Fatal error encountered during data read.
Folder-Replica| Getting an Exception System.TimeoutException: Timeout performing EVAL when user queue replica with 11 users.
Negative Scenario|Folder-Replica| An Exception when user delete on going replica folder then CresTech.OpKey.Exceptions.ForeignKeyFailedException: Upsert failed as some referenced entity doesnt exist.
Connected links available on flowchart is wrongly aligned when user collapse/expand nested IF/For blocks.
Object available on Object input argument OR tree is getting duplicated when user refreshes OR tree on TC/FL.
MBT|Replica| Getting Exception when user create replica of MBT i.e. System.NotImplementedException: The method or operation is not implemented.
Oracle 2.0 Playback || Oracle_SyncForm keyword needs implementation.
Sync Issue | Global Variable not reflected when user use all global variable inside Dynamic Object and try to sync
QC | Wrong Status displaying of Report which was created through Opkey on ALM. Also, zero count displaying on report.
Object available on Object input argument OR tree is getting duplicated when user refreshes OR tree on TC/FL.
Chrome Extension || User should be able to add Chrome AddOn when OpKey Web is open in incognito window from Start Recording Button and Download Center.
Chrome AddOn || User should be able to launch ChromeAddOn from Start Recording and Download Center when OpKey Web is open in Incognito Window.
Chrome AddOn | Live View || Any modification done on the recording grid should also be reflected on Live Recording View.
Chrome Extension | OpKey Smart Recorder Windiw || ObjectImage property with object’s image is not coming.
Chrome Extension | OpKey Smart Recorder Window || There should be a toggle switch to record Desktop as well as Web applications.
Data-set is displayed for session under business process detailed report which are not executed using LDR on session dashboard in accelerator platform.
Chrome Extension || Chrome AddOn should start in AddToOR when OpKey Web is open in Chrome.
Unable to release lock of SSO users as projects are assigned through groups to the users and are not directly assigned from project management.
SAAS Impact Analysis || Oracle | Salesforce | Setting : User Enter ” NULL ” in Added team as System identifier , Environment Credentials get diapered and it save blank row of environment in Team and Environment in new snapshot get disable.

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